Common Course of Study (CCS) - Learn all about the CCS and how it can be used to inform your course selections during your time at Lafaytte College.

Why is this important for course selection?

We want you to consider all of your academic options; however, some academic programs—particularly engineering and the natural sciences—are highly structured, with required foundational courses in the first year.

As a Lafayette College student you will have until your graduate to complete the common course of study. Do not stress yourself out about it too much, but you should take the time to understand the requirements as you decide on classes throughout your time at the college.

Make sure you fully understand your options so that you can make an informed decision about courses. Consult with a class dean, your advisor or faculty department head if you have questions.

For students interested in the health professions, please review the course requirements.

Common Course of Study Brief Description

Common Course of Study Requirements

Common Course of Study Learning Outcomes

Common Course of Study FAQs